Jun 23, 2014 Salah satu metode yang banyak digunakan dalam pembukuan ialah dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Meskipun Excel tidak bisa meng-update data secara otomatis, namun Excel menyediakan berbagi tool yang cukup penting untuk menyelesaikan sebuah pencatatan keuangan, seperti penagihan atau kalkulasi transaksi.
Rental Mobil dan Motor Kost dan Penginapan Penyewaan Barang Toko Online Perikanan Pertanian Koperasi Bengkel Laundry Warnet Jasa Salon Tukang Kredit Keuangan keluarga Keuangan Pribadi Harian Lupakan pencatatan usaha manual dengan buku atau kertas, dan mulai pakai BukuWarung. Jun 25, 2018 Software Akuntansi Excel bisa menjadi alternatif bagi pengusaha untuk melakukan pembukuan secara digital. Khususnya bagi pengusaha kecil dan menengah yang mengalami kesulitan membeli software akuntansi yang harganya tidak murah. Software Akuntansi Excel ini dapat diperoleh secara gratis melalui link Download yang kami sediakan berikut ini. Microsoft Excel adalah salah satu program yang paling serba guna dan bermanfaat di suite produk Office. Terlepas dari apakah Anda memerlukan templat Excel untuk penganggaran tahun fiskal berikutnya, melacak inventaris bisnis, merencanakan menu makanan, atau membuat lembar draf sepak bola impian, ada banyak templat Microsoft Excel untuk Anda. Membuat Laporan Penyewaan Mobil Dengan Rumus Microsoft Excel — 1 Comment — Fungsi Logika, Fungsi Matematika Rumus excel lengkap-ingin mengembangkan penggunaan rumus-rumus yang sudah pernah di bahas sebelumnya dalam blog ini.
The Car Rental Invoice provides lenders of motor vehicles a means of charging customers after-the-fact for the time they spent using a rental car. No matter how long the person has had the car, the document can provide an accurate calculation of fees. The invoice can be used for whatever pricing model the lender lender decides to charge, such as on the basis of miles driven or days kept.
There are a lot of variables that go into the pricing of a rental car. The first thing to consider is the value of the car. What is the make and model of the car? Car lenders can charge more the newer the car is, and the better the manufacturer. In other words, the fancier the car, the more a lender can charge for it. Next, consider the age of the customer. It’s common practice for car lenders to charge drivers under the age of 25 an extra fee ranging from $10-25 per day. This extra fee is due to the added risk of lending to younger drivers.
It’s important for car lenders to consider the billing method they use. Some lenders charge-by-day, meaning there’s an agreed-upon flat fee accrued each day the borrower has the car. This fee is often paid upfront at the beginning of the lending period. Most car lenders charge less per day the longer a customer agrees to rent the car. For example, a renter should be charged $50 per day if they rent the car for 3 days, and $25 per day if they rent for a week.
Rental Mobil Harian
Some lenders charge by distance, or miles traveled. This billing method is achieved through GPS tracking, and can provide a fairer valuation of the rental period. The price should operate on similar coordinates as charge-by-day, such as make, model & year of the car, and age of the driver. However the lender should charge a rate-per-mile that’s appreciably higher than the cost of fuel.